Whilst working with a volunteer organisation based in Livingstone and through the community activities we managed I realised there was a whole generation of adults whom had missed out on education for a variety of reasons. For some there was not enough money in the household (particularly true of women), others it was that they had to look after family due to deaths within the family and extended family and earn an income. Many of these wonderful people were passionate about uplifting themselves and their communities. We felt that skills training shouldn’t have to be linked to an individual’s academic achievement. Also with little or no waste management within Livingstone and the surrounding areas it made sense to look at waste as free resource. Coupled with the fact that we are passionate about our environment and wish to preserve the beauty for all.
So Pure Skills was created, first with metal fabrication, then repurposing of glass and soap making at the workshop along with skills based women’s club again where possible using free waste materials to repurpose into usable saleable items. Alongside working with the volunteer organisation we began to ustilise eco-bricks which are another way to keep non degradable waste out of the environment and provide free building blocks.